Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Music of Small Engine Repair

Essential to the film is its soundtrack. As producers Tristan Orpen Lynch and Dominic Wright put it, “another character I suppose is the music, which is you know, the music is very strong…Country music. Really incredible... and a huge blessing to us was that IaIn Glen is such a brilliant musician and a brilliant singer. So we've ended up having this thing where he's performing all his own music. And it's just mind-blowing because he's worked so hard before we started shooting on getting it absolutely right. But we've got this other kind of level to a film which you very often don't have, I mean you've got a straight sort of drama which is quite comical, but you also have a huge music dimension which amplifies all the other themes within it.”

Interest in "Small Engine Repair" and its music will hopefully lead to a soundtrack release following the film's release. For more information on any of the artists, please follow the provided links to their respective sites or labels and to hear the music be sure to catch "Small Engine Repair" in its film festival screenings worldwide.

Featured Songs:

"DB Cooper," "Play a Train Song," and "All of My Life" -Todd Snider

"Borrow Your Girl," "Don't Follow Me (I'm Lost)," and "Vist Me in Music City" -Bobby Bare Jr.

"Paradise," and "All the Best"-John Prine

"River Guard," and "Short Drive" -Smog

"Beyond the Shore," and "The Suffering Song" -Willard Grant Conspiracy

"Honk if You're Lonely" -The Silver Jews

"Drink Lotsa Whiskey," and "It's No Good" -Split Lip Rayfield

"Thanks for Breaking My Heart" -Moot Davis

"Get Down River" -Bottle Rockets

"Bucking Horse Rider" -Corb Lund

"Sweet Thing" -Scott Briam

"Won't Be Home," "Small Engine Repair," and "If I Could Only Fly" performed by lead actor Iain Glen (see his IMDB page)

Subotica Entertainment Ltd. 2006.


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